As if Halloween isn't in big plenty thorny problem because of the expertise of the ordinary world to creep us, two of the shock night's popular way of upsetting brood have now been alleged proven impossibilities.
A scientist, persistent to inform the exoteric of its conclusion in the preternatural, has well-tried mathematically that vampires can't survive. Using a calculator, he motivated that if a vampire sucked one person's humor all time period and, in the process, overturned all casualty into a vampire, who in rotate began to bite other than family at the aforementioned rate, after of late a few old age the full human race would be vampires. To be exact, he started on January 1, 1600 beside meet one lamia and the in progress quality population of 537 million. According to his calculator, by July 1602 natural kinship group would have vanished. Since that doesn't happen to be the case, the beingness of even one lamia has at first glance had the portion put in its intuition.